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    [机翻] 柴油机控制优化的虚拟参考设计方法
    [期刊]   Daniel Alberer   Markus Hirsch   Luigi del Re   《Control Engineering Practice》    2010年18卷11期      共9页
    摘要 : This paper advocates the use of virtual references for engine control loops instead of the commonly used physical variables. Virtual references are derived from measurements by the analysis of the sensitivity of the single target ... 展开

    [机翻] 一种用于多种工程概念教学的嵌入式设备的开发与实现
    摘要 : Practical work is an important part of the educational process. In this paper the requirements, hardware and software architecture development and the implementation of an aquaponics embedded device (laboratory model SmartVegeTech... 展开

    [机翻] 克兰菲尔德大学新的控制和系统工程研究成果发表
    [期刊]     《Energy Business Journal》    2011年Jan.3/Oct.31期      共2页
    摘要 : 2011 APR 6 - (VerticalNews.com) -- "This paper presents an experimental evaluation of a hybrid fault detection and isolation scheme against three successive faults in skew-configured inertial sensors of an unmanned aerial vehicl... 展开

    [机翻] 报告概述了阿尔梅里亚大学的控制和系统工程研究结果
    [期刊]     《Energy Business Journal》    2011年Jan.3/Oct.31期      共2页
    摘要 : 2011 APR 6 - (VerticalNews.com) -- According to recent research published in the journal Control Engineering Practice, "This work presents a new switching control procedure that has been chosen to deal with the changes in plant dynamics."

    [机翻] 蔚山大学的研究成果更新了机械工程知识
    [期刊]     《Energy Business Journal》    2011年Jan.3/Oct.31期      共1页
    摘要 : 2011 APR 13 - (VerticalNews.com) -- "A novel hydraulic energy-saving system for hydrostatic drives using flywheels as energy storage systems is proposed in this paper. The system has been developed based on a traditional closed-... 展开

    [期刊]   C. Stoica Maniu   G. Sandou   V. Letort-Le Chevalier   《IFAC PapersOnLine》    2019年52卷9期      共6页
    摘要 : This paper presents a feedback on a new core course on ”Systems modeling – Model representations and analysis” of the new curriculum of CentraleSupélec. Dedicated to all the first year students, this course stands as the main ... 展开

    [机翻] 美国宇航局格伦研究中心的飞机涡轮发动机控制研究
    [期刊]   Sanjay Garg   《Journal of aerospace engineering》    2013年26卷2期      共17页
    摘要 : This paper provides an overview of the aircraft turbine engine control research at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). A brief introduction to the engine control problem is first provided with a description of the state-of-the-art c... 展开

    [期刊]   R. Urniezius   E. Geguzis   《Electronics and Electrical Engineering》    2014年20卷3期      共5页
    摘要 : This paper presents the design and practical implementation of a hybrid fuzzy logic and adaptive linear-quadratic controller (LQR) for a real inverted short pendulum system. We present an extended swing-up approach using fuzzy con... 展开

    [机翻] 版本控制,第一部分
    [期刊]   Spinellis, D.   《IEEE Software》    2005年22卷5期      共1页
    摘要 : This is the first installment of a software engineering glossary of version control terminology.

    [机翻] 利用离合器驱动提高增压汽油机动力传动系的动态性能
    [期刊]   Simon A. Frei   Lino Guzzella   Christopher H. Onder   Corrado Nizzola   《Control Engineering Practice》    2006年14卷4期      共11页
    摘要 : This article proposes a new model-based optimal control strategy that is able to substantially reduce the torque lag present in spark-ignited turbocharged engine systems. The key idea is to utilize an automated wet clutch as an ad... 展开
