  • 《Chemical Physics Letters》 2022年786卷

摘要 : Fe2O3@CdS photocatalyst has been successfully prepared by photo-deposition of Fe2O3 on the surface of CdS. The as-synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray phot... 展开

作者 Wang~ Jin-Yu   Xu~ Jie   Shao~ Wei   Qian~ Chang-Jin  
期刊名称 《Chemical Physics Letters》
总页数 6
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O64  
关键词 Photocatalyst   Fe2O3@CdS-4   Tetracycline   Photodeposition   Dispersion   PHOTOCATALYTIC ACTIVITY   NANORODS   HETEROJUNCTION   CONSTRUCTION   NANOWIRES   NANOTUBES   SOLAR   ACID   CO2  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000623