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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Conjugates of glycosylated antarctic krill proteins and curcumin: Maintaining the storage quality of salmon fillets coupling with photodynamic inactivation Qiaohui Zeng, Di Hu, Yufeng Li...
2 Synthesis and characterization of Neurospora intermedia-based composite mycoprotein gel meat: Insight into the effect of pH and soluble starch on water-holding capacity and texture properties Bijie Wang, Hongyun Lu, Hanghang Lou...
3 Novel soft food gels using beta-lactoglobulin via enzymatic crosslinking as agar gel alternatives Han Liu, Corinne Nardin, Yi Zhang
4 Swelling of food powders: Kinetics measurement and quantification using NMR relaxometry Heike Teichmann, Theresa Anzmann, Klara Haas...
5 Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) phospholipid - Whey protein interaction characterization and its effect on physicochemical, interfacial properties and evaluation of in vitro digestion of emulsions - Inspired by the MFGM Yanjie Zhao, Lu Liu, Qian Ma...
6 A starch-based 3D printed intelligent colorimetric film co-loaded natural pigments for visualizing food freshness: Effect of nozzle size on gel structure formation Yiwen Bao, Mingshuang Wang, Jiaxin Li...
7 Using urea-shifting to create a natural blue, antioxidant emulsifier from phycocyanin Qike Li, Peilong Li, Alireza Abbaspourrad
8 Plant protein aggregates induced by extraction and fractionation processes: Impact on techno-functional properties Jack Yang, Remco Kornet, Eleni Ntone...
9 Composite coating of xanthan gum with sodium nitroprusside alleviates the quality deterioration in strawberry fruit Anuja Gautam, P.P.S. Gill, NavPrem Singh...
10 Interfacial and foaming properties of soluble lupin protein isolates: Effect of pH Xingfa Ma, Mehdi Habibi, Leonard M.C. Sagis