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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Moving Beyond Politics: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect Kassam Kamillah 2,773
2 Introducing the Virtual Issue: Marcy H. Towns Festschrift Raker Jeffrey R. 2,775
3 Conceptual Challenges Exhibited by Na??ve Undergraduate Students in the Context of Atomic Orbital Energy Diagrams Dorris Matthew R., Rau Martina A. 2,777
4 Assessment of Students’ Study Approaches in the First Semester of Organic Chemistry: Patterns of Evolution Diverge According to Students’ Achievement Level Malinakova Helena C. 2,787
5 Efficacy and Insights Gained from a Utility Value Intervention with Inorganic Chemistry Students Wang Ying, Lewis Scott E. 2,798
6 When All You Have Is a Covalent Model of Bonding, Every Substance Is a Molecule: A Longitudinal Study of Student Enactment of Covalent and Ionic Bonding Models Bauer Christopher F., Wang Ying, Lewis Scott E.... 2,808
7 Design of a Research-Based Assessment for Children’s Attitudes and Motivation at Chemistry Outreach and Museum Events Bauer Christopher F., Emenike Mary E., Holme Thomas A. 2,821
8 Differential Item Functioning Analysis of the Fundamental Concepts for Organic Reaction Mechanisms Inventory Nedungadi Sachin, Brown Corina E., Paek Sue Hyeon 2,834
9 Assessment Tools in Context: Results from a National Survey of Postsecondary Chemistry Faculty Murphy Kristen L., Raker Jeffrey R., Gibbons Rebecca E.... 2,843
10 Characterizing Mindset-Related Challenges in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses Santos Deborah L., Mooring Suazette R. 2,853