  • 《Agricultural Water Management》 2010年98卷1期

摘要 : By interviewing farmers in twelve peri-urban and two sugar mill areas information was collected on the use of urban wastewater. In all cases, untreated sewage water was used without primary treatment. The domestic polluted water o... 展开

作者 Mojid~ M. A.   Wyseure~ G. C. L.   Biswas~ S. K.   Hossain~ A. B. M. Z.  
期刊名称 《Agricultural Water Management》
总页数 8
语种/中图分类号 英语 / S2  
关键词 adverse effects   boron   conductivity   drainage   electrical conductivity   farmers   fertilizers   food safety   fresh water   groundwater   health   impurities   iron   irrigation   manganese   molasses   nitrogen   phosphate   pollution   potatoes   pumps   rice   safety   separation   sewage   sodium   solid wastes   sugarcane   tomatoes   training   urban areas   vegetables   waste treatment   waste utilization   waste water   waste water treatment   wastes   water treatment   wheat   zinc   Culicidae   man   Oryza   Oryza sativa   Saccharum   Saccharum officinarum   Solanum   Solanum lycopersicum   Solanum tuberosum   TriticumSouth Asia   Asia   Least Developed Countries   Developing Countries   Commonwealth of Nations   Homo   Hominidae   Primates   mammals   vertebrates   Chordata   animals   eukaryotes   Solanum   Solanaceae   Solanales   dicotyledons   angiosperms   Spermatophyta   plants   Diptera   insects   Hexapoda   arthropods   invertebrates   Poaceae   Cyperales   monocotyledons   Oryza   Saccharum.  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0006830