[科技报告]NASA  Simons, R. N. , Goverdhanam, K. , Katehi, L. P. B.10

摘要: In this paper, novel low loss, wide-band coplanar stripline technology for radio frequency (RF)/microwave integrated circuits is demonstrated on high resistivity silicon wafer. In particular, the fabrication process for the deposi... 展开

作者 Simons, R. N.   Goverdhanam, K.   Katehi, L. P. B.  
原报告号 N20010068558 总页数 10
主办者 Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC.
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Meetings   Integrated circuits   Microwave circuits   Fabrication   Broadband   Waveguides   Etching   Radio frequencies