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    摘要 : Military life presents a variety of challenges to military families, including frequent separations and relocations as well as the risks that service members face during deployment; however, many families successfully navigate the... 展开

    [科技报告]   Bastiani, M.        共79页
    摘要 : Despite a decade of effort, we have seen limited success in increasing the personal preparedness of adults that is thought to create individual and community resiliency. Since inadequate preparation by adults can negatively affect... 展开

    [科技报告]   Fletcher, J.        共34页
    摘要 : Like the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines they support, military families of the 21st century face a great deal of uncertainty. Today's adversary is terrorism, and elusive enemies combined with amorphous strategies make it d... 展开

    [科技报告]   Wang, J. R.        共75页
    摘要 : The Army created the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program in 2009, now named Comprehensive Soldier Family and Fitness (CSF2). Its mission is to build resilience in each soldier, both physically and psychologically, through resili... 展开
