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    [会议]   HAJMU KINOSHITA   YUKARI NAKASA   LIU ZAOSHU   XIA KANYUAN        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 32 页
    摘要 : Basic data on the opening of backarc basin, South China Sea (abbreviated as SCS hereafter) basin, were obtained through a two-year Japan and China cooperative joint marine geophysical survey in 1993 and 1994. Some new gravity, mag... 展开

    [会议]   Masanao Abe   Hitoshi Mizutani   Masatsugu Ooe        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 29 页
    摘要 : Ocean tide was numerically calculated for various ocean continent configurations. The calculated tidal torque response for semidiurnal ocean tide is found to be bigger, when the continents are lined on the equator than when the co... 展开

    [会议]   Michael J Welch        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 28 页
    摘要 : Over the past 20 years much work has gone into understanding the mechanisms of lithospheric extension, and producing models to explain the geometry and evolution of rift basins. These models have tended to simplify the deformation... 展开

    [会议]   Shengfei Gan   Dirk D. van Reenen        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 27 页
    摘要 : Discovery of lode gold deposits in many typical high grade metamorphic terranes of the world suggests a potential for further gold exploration in such terranes. Iron-rich lithologies in Archaean gneiss-granulite associations often... 展开

    [会议]   Gao Ruiqi   Cai Xiyuan   Xu Hong   Ren Yanguang        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 26 页
    摘要 : Singliao Basin is a large nonmarine sedimentary basin, which can be divided into three supersequence sets, eight supersequences and forty-four third- order sequences corresponding to the rifting, depressing and shrinking stages, a... 展开

    [会议]   JILL STEPHANIE SCHNEIDERMAN        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 26 页
    摘要 : The River Nile drainage basin collects heavy minerals from three petrologically and tectonically distinct source terranes. Amphibolite- and granulite-grade metamorphic rocks of the Central African Province feed the White Nile. Alk... 展开

    [会议]   Eugene V. Artyushkov   Albrecht W. Hofmann        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 26 页
    摘要 : According to a large volume of data, a rapid crustal uplift began in the Oligocene over about one half of the continental areas after a period of relative stability, -150 Ma long. This Neotectonic uplift has produced most of the p... 展开

    [会议]   Hongbing Sun   Manfed Koch   Xinlan Liu        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 26 页
    摘要 : The interaction of an industrial river and the groundwater aquifer in Florida are modeled by time scries-, flow modeling- and particle (racking methods, The major piuposc of the mcxleling ellbil is to delineate (lie possible conta... 展开

    [会议]   JIN YU-GAN   SHANG QING-HUA        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 25 页
    摘要 : Palaeobiogeographic evolution of Permian brachiopods was investigated based on a quantitative analysis proceeded from the data base which collected 28,000 records of brachiopod taxa from 450 slratigraphic levels of 289 localities ... 展开

    [会议]   CAO YAWEN   CAI JIANHUI   LI BING        International GeologicalCongress        1996年30th届      共 25 页
    摘要 : The Jinchuan Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposit is the biggest magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in China. It occurs in the Jinchuan Ultramafic Massif which is located in central Gansu Province. The massif was formed through the intrusion of thre... 展开
    关键词 : Jinchuan   Cu-Ni deposit   mineral   formation  
