[会议]VSPProceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress  Shengfei Gan, Dirk D. van Reenen

摘要: Discovery of lode gold deposits in many typical high grade metamorphic terranes of the world suggests a potential for further gold exploration in such terranes. Iron-rich lithologies in Archaean gneiss-granulite associations often... 展开

作者 Shengfei Gan   Dirk D. van Reenen  
文集名称 Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress
出版年 1997
出版社/出版地 VSP / Utrecht, The Netherlands
会议名称 International GeologicalCongress  
开始页/总页数 209 / 27
会议日期/会议地点 1996 / Beijing 会议年/会议届次 1996 / 30th
中图分类号 P183-532   P5-532  
关键词 high grade terrane   gold deposit   Archaean   Limpopo Belt  
馆藏号 N2009EMST0023267