[会议]VSPProceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress  Hongbing Sun, Manfed Koch, Xinlan Liu

摘要: The interaction of an industrial river and the groundwater aquifer in Florida are modeled by time scries-, flow modeling- and particle (racking methods, The major piuposc of the mcxleling ellbil is to delineate (lie possible conta... 展开

作者 Hongbing Sun   Manfed Koch   Xinlan Liu  
文集名称 Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress
出版年 1997
出版社/出版地 VSP / Utrecht, The Netherlands
会议名称 International GeologicalCongress  
开始页/总页数 139 / 26
会议日期/会议地点 1996 / Beijing 会议年/会议届次 1996 / 30th
中图分类号 P183-532   P5-532  
馆藏号 N2009EMST0023267