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    [机翻] 基于二维数值模拟的有机薄膜晶体管电学特性及参数提取
    [期刊]   Kshitij Bhargava   Vipul Singh   《Journal of Computational Electronics》    2014年13卷3期      共8页
    摘要 : In this paper a performance based comparison of top and bottom contact organic thin film transistor (OTFT) device structures, using two dimensional numerical simulations has been carried out. In addition to this, investigations pe... 展开

    [机翻] 晶体硅太阳电池TLM接触电阻测量的详细研究
    [期刊]   Guo, Siyu   Gregory, Geoffrey   Gabor, Andrew M.   Schoenfeld, Winston V.   Davis, Kristopher O.   《Solar Energy》    2017年151卷Jul.期      共10页
    摘要 : The transmission line method (TLM) is often used in characterizing the contact resistance of c-Si solar cells by cutting cells into strips parallel to the busbars. When applying this method to industrial solar cells, we found vari... 展开

    摘要 : The characteristics of ruthenium (Ru) contact to boron doped diamond (BDD) have been investigated before and after annealing. The properties of as-deposited Ru contacts to BDD showed non-linear trend. Interestingly, the contact pr... 展开
    关键词 : Diamond   Ruthenium   C-TLM   Ohmic contact   XPS   Barrier height  

    摘要 : To further improve the performance and power density of thermoelectric devices, the size of the device needs to be scaled down from macroscale to microscale. Different from the macroscale device, the specific contact resistivity r... 展开

    [期刊]   Ali, M.   Fahad, S.   Alam, S.   Ahmed, S.   《Chinese Journal of Physics》    2019年61卷      共7页
    摘要 : Graphene is the most promising contender for the future generation of electronic and photonic devices, based on its extraordinary properties. The effect of the metal interface with graphene, however, which completely alters its pr... 展开

    [期刊]   Jo Hyeon Seung   Oh Guen Hyung   Kim Sang-il   Kim Tae wan   《Journal of the Korean Physical Society》    2023年83卷10期      共5页
    摘要 : Abstract This paper details the fabrication and characterization of field-effect transistors (FETs) and photodetector devices based on few-layered palladium disulfide (PdS2) films. PdS2 is an emerging member of the transition meta... 展开

    [机翻] c-TLM法测量n-SiC触头电阻
    摘要 : W artykule omówiono metodę i wyniki pomiarów kontaktów omowych prowadzone za pomocą kołowych struktur c-TLM. Obliczono teoretyczne zależności oporu właściwego r_c od parametrów kontaktu i struktury pomiarowej a do weryf... 展开
