  • 《Critical reviews in toxicology》 2014年44卷1/10期

摘要 : Carrageenan (CGN) has been used as a safe food additive for several decades. Confusion over nomenclature, basic CGN chemistry, type of CGN tested, interspecies biology, and misinterpretation of both in vivo and in vitro data has r... 展开

作者 McKim~ James M.  
期刊名称 《Critical reviews in toxicology》
总页数 33
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R99  
关键词 Carrageenan   gastrointestinal   glucose tolerance   human intestinal epithelial cells   diabetes   in vitro   NCM460   poligeenan   toll-like receptor  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0000583