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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Are Cyclic Volatile Methylsiloxanes POPs? For Rigorous Science in Regulatory Decision Making Michael S. McLachlan, Frank Wania 8,607
2 Developing Salt-Rejecting Evaporators for Solar Desalination: A Critical Review Zhi Yang, Dawei Li, Yunxia Zhu... 8,610
3 Traded Plastic, Traded Impacts? Designing Counterfactual Scenarios to Assess Environmental Impacts of Global Plastic Waste Trade Kai Li, Hauke Ward, Hai Xiang Lin... 8,631
4 Nano-microflora Interaction Inducing Pulmonary Inflammation by Pyroptosis Meng Gao, Jie Chen, Changzhi Chen... 8,643
5 Mammalian Cell Genotoxicity of Potable Reuse and Conventional Drinking Waters Stephanie S. Lau, Katherine Bokenkamp, Aleksander Tecza... 8,654
6 Photoaged Nanopolystyrene Affects Neurotransmission to Induce Transgenerational Neurotoxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans Haibo Chen, Yulun Gu, Shihui Tan... 8,665
7 Gestational and Postpartum Exposure to PM_(2.5) Components and Glucose Metabolism in Chinese Women: A Prospective Cohort Study Yujing Chen, Yuxuan Wang, Qian Chen... 8,675
8 Continued Rise in Health Burden from Ambient PM_(2.5) in India under SSP Scenarios Until 2100 despite Decreasing Concentrations Yiyi Wang, Jianlin Hu, Yangyang Wu... 8,685
9 Assessing the Progress toward a Water-Efficient Economy in the United States from 1985 to 2015 Yan Du, Ranran Wang, Julie B. Zimmerman 8,696
10 Microplastic Human Dietary Uptake from 1990 to 2018 Grew across 109 Major Developing and Industrialized Countries but Can Be Halved by Plastic Debris Removal Xiang Zhao, Fengqi You 8,709