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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Classifying the Sustainability Profile of Clothing Customers Garcia Solimar, de Alencar N??s Irenilza, da Silva Lima Nilsa Duarte 811
2 Green and Sustainable Packaging Manufacturing: a Case Study of Sugarcane Bagasse-Based Tableware in Egypt Elkayaly Dina, Hazem Nahla, Fahim Irene S. 829
3 New Kids on the Recycling Block: the Role of Supermarkets and Bodegas for Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in Lima Borasino Elena, Fuhrmann-Riebel Hanna 857
4 A Framework for Assessing the Contribution of Firms to Circular Economy: a Triple-Level Approach Lanaras-Mamounis Georgios, Kipritsis Anastasios, Tsalis Thomas A.... 883
5 A Perspective of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Plastic Waste Management and Cooperatives of Waste Pickers in Brazil Lima Lais R., Gutierrez Rafaela F., Cruz Sandra A. 903
6 Analyzing Technical and Organizational Changes in Circular Economy (CE) Implementation with a TOE Framework: Insights from a CE Project of Kamouraska (Quebec) Chembessi Chedrak, Beaurain Christophe, Cloutier Geneviève 915
7 From Circular to Linear? Assessing the Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Steel and Plastic Beer Kegs Martin Michael, Herlaar Sjoerd, J?nsson Aiden... 937
8 A Practical and Analytic View on Legal Framework of Circular Economics as One of the Recent Economic Law Insights: A Comparative Legal Study Norouzi Nima 961
9 Applying Circular Economy to Construction Industry through Use of Waste Materials: A Review of Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Plastics, and Ceramics Nodehi Mehrab, Taghvaee Vahid Mohammad 987
10 Public Procurement for the Circular Economy: a Comparative Study of Sweden and Spain Fuertes Giné Leticia, Vanacore Emanuela, Hunka Agnieszka D. 1,021