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1 Gut bacterium induced pesticide resistance in insects with special emphasis to mosquitoes Francis, C. F. Sini, Aneesh... 2,051
2 The effect of Brachiaria rows on stem borer damage on sorghum in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia Asmare, D., Muluken... 2,065
3 Life table and budgeting of Plassey borer, Chilo tumidicostalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Nath, Rupak Kumar, Saikia... 2,073
4 Evolutionary distinction between the geographical isolates of Beauveria bassiana from Iran and their efficacy against Helicoverpa armigera Kary, Naser Eivazian, Alizadeh... 2,083
5 Identification, pathogenesis and compatibility of Aschersonia aleyrodis (Webber) with selected fungicides and insecticides Ingle, Y., V... 2,093
6 Infestation potential of Xanthopimpla konowi Krieger on tropical tasar silkworm cocoons and its mechanical management using nylon net Chandrashekharaiah, M., Mohanraj... 2,103
7 Efficacy of porous silica nanostructure as an insecticide against filarial vector Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) El-Barkey, Nehad M., Kamel... 2,113
8 Host fruits shape the changes in the gut microbiota and development of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae Akami, Mazarin, Ren... 2,127
9 Assessing lethal doses of the baculovirus MaviMNPV and the effect of its combination with neem oil on the survival of Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larval stages in laboratory Kindozandji, A., Dannon... 2,143
10 'Development and assessment of a gel larval diet for economical mass rearing of Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) in Mauritius' Bhoyroo, Reena Devi, Facknath... 2,151