  • 《International Journal of Tropical Insect Science》 2022年42卷3期

摘要 : Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate life table and budgeting of sugarcane Plassey borer, Chilo tumidicostalis during 2015-16. The absolute population of C. tumidicostalis and its natural enemies has been us... 展开

作者 Nath~ Rupak Kumar   Saikia~ Dilip Kumar   Kalita~ Surajit  
期刊名称 《International Journal of Tropical Insect Science》
总页数 10
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q969.9  
关键词 Chilo tumidicostalis   Life table   Budgeting trend indices   'K' values   DIPTERA  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0008573