  • 《Sensors and Actuators, A. Physical》 2003年103卷3期

摘要 : A rectangular straight microchannel was fabricated with dimensions of 57 mum (H) x 200 mum (W) x 48,050 mum (L), in which the resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) were integrated on the inner surface of the channel wall to meas... 展开

作者 Park H.   Pak JJ.   Son SY.   Lim G.   Song I.  
期刊名称 《Sensors and Actuators, A. Physical》
总页数 13
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TP21  
关键词 Microchannel   Rtd   Tcr   Pressure drop   Velocity   Laminar flow   Heat sinks  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0006752