  • 《The Plant Cell》 2013年8期

摘要 : Arabidopsis thaliana plants fend off insect attack by constitutive and inducible production of toxic metabolites, such as glucosinolates (GSs). A triple mutant lacking MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4, three basic helix-loop-helix transcripti... 展开

作者 Schweizer~ F.   Fernandez-Calvo~ P.   Zander~ M.   Diez-Diaz~ M.   Ecker~ J. R.   Solano~ R.   Reymond~ P.   Fonseca~ S.   Glauser~ G.   Lewsey~ M. G.  
期刊名称 《The Plant Cell》
总页数 16
语种/中图分类号 en / Q942  
关键词 animal feeding   biosynthesis   chromatin   feeding   feeding behaviour   genes   glucosinolates   herbivores   insect pests   interactions   metabolites   mutants   mutations   outbreaks   production   secondary metabolites   transcription   transcription factors   yeasts   Arabidopsis   Arabidopsis thaliana   insects   Pieris (Lepidoptera)   Pieris brassicae   plants   Spodoptera   Spodoptera littoralis   Brassicaceae   Capparidales   dicotyledons   angiosperms   Spermatophyta   eukaryotes   Pieridae   Lepidoptera   Hexapoda   arthropods   invertebrates   animals   Noctuidae   fungi   behavior   DNA transcription   feeding behavior   fungus   pest insects  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000189