Soil organic matter (SOM) is proposed to be subdivided into structural and process pools. The structural pools include particulate organic matter (C-POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (C-MAOM) and the process pools compris...
Soil organic matter (SOM) is proposed to be subdivided into structural and process pools. The structural pools include particulate organic matter (C-POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (C-MAOM) and the process pools comprise microbial biomass (C-mic) and potentially mineralizable organic matter (C-0). The studies have been performed in a long-term microplot experiment on gray forest soil (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Phaeozem (Loamic)). Mineral (N, 90-360 kg/ha; P2O5, 75-300 kg/ha; and K2O, 100-400 kg/ha) and organic (25-100 t/ha of fresh cattle manure) fertilizers have been applied annually over nine years at increasing doses. The resulting increase in the soil organic carbon (C-org) stock from NPK and manure application has reached 5-10 and 38-83%, respectively. Extremely high doses of manure (700 to 900 t/ha over 9 years) have caused the soil saturation with C-org. The sizes of SOM pools decrease in the order C-MAOM > C-POM > C-0 > C-mic amounting to 7.91-12 g/kg (50-84% of C-org), 0.76-12 g/kg (8-50%), 0.32-1.71 g/kg (2.8-13.7%), and 0.09-0.56 g/kg (0.8-3.7%), respectively. The size of C-POM pool mainly depends on the dose of mineral and organic fertilizers, and the size of C-MAOM pool, on the duration of fertilization. Both C-mic and C-0 pools increase with the rise in the dose of manure and decrease with the rise in the NPK doses. The long-term manuring did not lead to a cumulative accumulation of C-0 in the soil. It is emphasized that the separation of structural and process pools can be useful for monitoring of SOM quality and functions.