  • 《Phytotaxa》 2022年574卷

摘要 : A new species, Ophiocordyceps ovatospora, occurring on termites was collected from Yunnan Province, China, and is described based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic data. In a phylogenetic analysis of a combined dataset o... 展开

作者 Tang~ Dexiang   Zhu~ Juye   Luo~ Lijun   Hou~ Donghai   Wang~ Zhiqin   Yang~ Shidao   Yu~ Hong  
期刊名称 《Phytotaxa》
总页数 13
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q94  
关键词 1 new species   morphology   phylogeny   taxonomy   METARHIZIUM-ANISOPLIAE   UNILATERALIS   CORDYCEPS   PHYLOGENY   NUCLEAR   COMPLEX   FUNGI   ANTS  
馆藏号 N2013EPST0000193