  • 《Animal Biotechnology》 2022年33卷7期

摘要 : Meat is traditionally obtained by sacrificing the animals. It is considered as one of the richest sources of proteins. There is an increasing demand for meat worldwide. It may not be possible to fulfill this demand for meat in fut... 展开

作者 Srutee~ Rout   Sowmya~ R. S.   Uday~ Annapure S.  
期刊名称 《Animal Biotechnology》
总页数 9
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q95  
关键词 Clean meat   in&   160   vivo   culturing   isolation   scaffold based method   Self-organizing method   IN-VITRO MEAT   CULTURED MEAT   STEM-CELLS   SYSTEM   FUTURE  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0006899