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We consider two graph grammar based Petri nets models for anisotropic refinements of three dimensional hexahedral grids. The first one detects possible dead-end problems during the graph grammar based anisotropic refinements of th...
We consider two graph grammar based Petri nets models for anisotropic refinements of three dimensional hexahedral grids. The first one detects possible dead-end problems during the graph grammar based anisotropic refinements of the mesh. The second one employs an enhanced graph grammar model that is actually dead-end free. We apply the resulting algorithm to the simulation of resistivity logging measurements for estimating the location of underground oil and/or gas formations. The graph grammar based Petri net models allow to fix the self-adaptive mesh refinement algorithm and finish the adaptive computations with the required accuracy needed by the numerical solution.
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The Niemann–Pick type C1 (NPC1) protein regulates the transport of cholesterol and fatty acids from late endosomes/lysosomes and has a central role in maintaining lipid homeostasis. NPC1 loss-of-function mutations in humans cause...
The Niemann–Pick type C1 (NPC1) protein regulates the transport of cholesterol and fatty acids from late endosomes/lysosomes and has a central role in maintaining lipid homeostasis. NPC1 loss-of-function mutations in humans cause NPC1 disease, a rare autosomal-recessive lipid-storage disorder characterized by progressive and lethal neurodegeneration, as well as liver and lung failure, due to cholesterol infiltration. In humans, genome-wide association studies and post–genome-wide association studies highlight the implication of common variants in NPC1 in adult-onset obesity, body fat mass, and type 2 diabetes. Heterozygous human carriers of rare loss-of-function coding variants in NPC1 display an increased risk of morbid adult obesity. These associations have been confirmed in mice models, showing an important interaction with high-fat diet. In this review, we describe the current state of knowledge for NPC1 variants in relationship to pleiotropic effects on metabolism. We provide evidence that NPC1 gene variations may predispose to common metabolic diseases by modulating steroid hormone synthesis and/or lipid homeostasis. We also propose several important directions of research to further define the complex roles of NPC1 in metabolism. This review emphasizes the contribution of NPC1 to obesity and its metabolic complications.
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In this paper, we propose a formal model of the objects involved in a class of scheduling problems, namely in the classroom scheduling in universities which allow a certain degree of liberty in their curricula. Using the formal mo...
In this paper, we propose a formal model of the objects involved in a class of scheduling problems, namely in the classroom scheduling in universities which allow a certain degree of liberty in their curricula. Using the formal model, we present efficient algorithms for the detection of collisions of the involved objects and for the inference of a tree-like navigational structure in an interactive scheduling software allowing a selection of the most descriptive view of the scheduling objects. These algorithms were used in a real-world application called MetroNG; a visual interactive tool that is based on more than 10 years of experience we have in the field. It is currently used by the largest universities and colleges in the Czech Republic. The efficiency and usability of MetroNG suggests that our approach may be applied in many areas where multi-dimensionally structured data are presented in an interactive application.
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While education in English has been advocated as a unifying and modernising force, it is also seen as a marker of imperialism and class privilege and a terrain of struggle among elite groups. Ruptures in such class-divided educati...
While education in English has been advocated as a unifying and modernising force, it is also seen as a marker of imperialism and class privilege and a terrain of struggle among elite groups. Ruptures in such class-divided educational system in turn shape specific debates over development, democracy and social change. Uneven empowerment that an education in English generates also has its fallout in an increasing polarisation, fracturing and violence against caste, gender and religious lines.
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The development of hybrid biomaterials has been attracting great attention in the design of materials for biomedicine. The nanosized level of inorganic and organic or even bioactive components can be combined into a single materia...
The development of hybrid biomaterials has been attracting great attention in the design of materials for biomedicine. The nanosized level of inorganic and organic or even bioactive components can be combined into a single material by this approach, which has created entirely new advanced compositions with truly unique properties for drug delivery. The recent advances in using hybrid nanovehicles as remotely controlled therapeutic delivery carriers are summarized with respect to different nanostructures, including hybrid host-guest nanoconjugates, micelles, nanogels, core-shell nanoparticles, liposomes, mesoporous silica, and hollow nanoconstructions. In addition, the controlled release of guest molecules from these hybrid nanovehicles in response to various remote stimuli such as alternating magnetic field, near infrared, or ultrasound triggers is further summarized to introduce the different mechanisms of remotely triggered release behavior. Through proper chemical functionalization, the hybrid nanovehicle system can be further endowed with many new properties toward specific biomedical applications.
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It is clear that the European Union (EU) is currently in the worst crisis situation it has ever been in. The forms of social solidarity, inter-national cooperation, and trans-national structures and processes that many commentator...
It is clear that the European Union (EU) is currently in the worst crisis situation it has ever been in. The forms of social solidarity, inter-national cooperation, and trans-national structures and processes that many commentators have seen as the basis of ‘cosmopolitan’ Europe’ are under severe strain. Dec-ades of apparent cosmopolitization - of political bodies, economic networks, social connections and the patterns of everyday life - seem to be rapidly going into reverse, being pulled apart or self-destructing. If the last several decades could be understood as involving the increasing appearance and strength (albeit unevenly and in contested ways) of cosmopolitan features both within the EU as an entity and ‘inside’ its external borders, then today the tearing fabric of ‘European’ life seems to point in the opposite direction. This paper poses the question: how ‘cosmopolitan’ really was the EU before the current set of crises, and how have the latter undermined what cosmopolitan features there were? The argument proposed is that the EU was from the very beginning ambivalently cosmopolitan, for it was structured around a liberal-economic, market-based cosmopolitanism, as well as a rights-based conception of citizenship and democ-racy, a kind of legal-political cosmopolitanism. Both forms of cosmopolitanism existed up until recently in a highly ambivalent relationship with each other. But as over time, and especially from the late 1970s, liber-al-economic cosmopolitanism mutated into neo-liberal cosmopolitanism, then the tensions between the two cosmopolitanisms now stand out very starkly, and have reached breaking point. The nature and con-sequences of this situation are diagnosed.
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FIGURE 1. Pyramidal neurons with long apical dendrites from layers 5 and 6. (A) Minicolumn diagram adapted from Peters and Sethares (1991) of a slice of monkey visual cortex, which shows locations of somas and apical dendrites (ba...
FIGURE 1. Pyramidal neurons with long apical dendrites from layers 5 and 6. (A) Minicolumn diagram adapted from Peters and Sethares (1991) of a slice of monkey visual cortex, which shows locations of somas and apical dendrites (basal dendrites and axons are omitted). Somas showing no attached fibers are stellate neurons, which contain many short dendrites that radiate from the soma in all directions (not shown here). The vertical length of the minicolumn indicates the thickness of the cortical area in which the two pyramids were observed. (B) Camera lucida drawing of a layer 6 pyramidal neuron of the monkey from Figure 4 of Wiser and Callaway (1996); (C) Camera lucida drawing of a layer 5 pyramidal neuron of the monkey from Figure 24 of Valverde (1986).