  • 《Phytochemistry》 2011年72卷17期

摘要 : Leishmaniasis is a tropical disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania which affects 12 million people worldwide. The discovery of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis is a pressing concern in global health ... 展开

作者 Saraiva~ E. M.   Pinto-da-Silva~ L. H. .   Ferreira~ C.   Soares~ D. C.   Barreto-Junior~ C. B.   Nascimento~ M. T.   Freire-de-Lima~ L.   Delorenzi~ J. C.   Lima~ M. E. F.   Atella~ G. C.   Folly~ E.   Carvalho~ T. M. U.  
期刊名称 《Phytochemistry》
总页数 10
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q94  
关键词 DNA   triglyceride   diacylglycerol   nitric oxide: 10102-43-9   production   monoacylglycerol   piperine: 94-62-2   antiinfective-drug   antiprotozoal-drug   antiparasitic-drug   piperine derivative: antiinfective-drug   antiprotozoal-drug   antiparasitic-drug   piperine analog: antiinfective-drug   antiprotozoal-drug   antiparasitic-drug   phenylamide: 55-21-0   antiinfective-drug   antiprotozoal-drug   antiparasitic-drug   cell cycle   mitochondrial membrane potential   mitochondrial swelling   amastigote   promastigote  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0007295