  • 《Annals of the Entomological Society of America》 2010年103卷5期

摘要 : Fruit flies (Tephritidae) and lance flies (Lonchaeidae) (Diptera) include pests of highest economic importance to horticulture around the world, because various species damage high value fruit crops. These Tephritoidea are the rea... 展开

作者 Uchoa~ M. A.   Nicacio~ J.  
期刊名称 《Annals of the Entomological Society of America》
总页数 11
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q96  
关键词 fruit crops   geographical distribution   insect pests   new geographic records   plant pests   Anacardium   Anastrepha   Ceratitis capitata   insects   Neosilba   Neosilba pendula   Pouteria   Anacardiaceae   Sapindales   dicotyledons   angiosperms   Spermatophyta   plants   eukaryotes   Tephritidae   Diptera   insects   Hexapoda   arthropods   invertebrates   animals   Anastrepha   South America   America   Developing Countries   Threshold   Countries   Latin America   Ceratitis   Brazil   Lonchaeidae   Neosilba   Sapotaceae   Ebenales   Pouteria   Brazil   Mato Grosso do Sul   Anacardium macrura   Anacardium othonianum   Anacardium rheediae   Anacardium undosa   Anastrepha alveatoides   Anastrepha distincta   Anastrepha hastata   Anastrepha sorocula   Anastrepha undosa   Anastrepha zenildae   Anastrepha zernyi   medfly   Med   iterranean fruit fly   Neosilba glaberrima   Neosilba inesperata   Neosilba zadolicha   pest insects   Pouteria glomerata.  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000142