[科技报告]AD  212

摘要: This document presents a sequence of operational sea ice analyses prepared weekly for the Department of Defense. The analyses include the location of the ice pack edge, inner-pack ice concentrations, 7-day forecasts of the positio... 展开

原报告号 ADA0333450 总页数 212
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [47C - Physical & Chemical Oceanography48H - Snow, Ice, & Permafrost]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Sea ice   Pack ice   Geographical distribution   Ice   Forecasting   Edges   Position(Location)   Arctic regions   Alaska   Bering Sea   Chukchi Sea   North Pacific Ocean   Okhotsk Sea   Charts   Seasonal variations   Range(Extremes)   Open water   Ice reporting   Icebergs   Ice free areas    