  • 《Journal of consumer research》 2022年49卷4期

摘要 : Abstract One of the prominent pricing decisions a retailer can make is its choice of pricing strategy. Previous research investigating consumers’ responses to stores with frequent, shallow price advantages relative to competitors ... 展开

作者 Daniel Sheehan   Ryan Hamilton   Ramnath K Chellappa   J Jeffrey Inman   Andrew T Stephen   Rajesh Bagchi  
期刊名称 《Journal of consumer research》
页码/总页数 7-24 / 18
语种/中图分类号 英语 / F713.55  
关键词 frequency   depth   price image   pricing strategies   retail price impression   EDLP   HILO  
DOI 10.1093/jcr/ucac005
馆藏号 F-131