[机翻] 儿童布鲁氏菌病肺部受累1例
  • 《Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases》 2008年8卷2期

摘要 : Brucellosis is primarily a zoonotic disease that continues to be an important public health problem. It is a rare, multisystem infection of childhood and it may present with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations and complicati... 展开

作者 Özgür Olukman  
期刊名称 《Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases》
页码/总页数 p.245-248 / 4
语种 英语
关键词 brucellosis  
DOI 10.1089/vbz.2007.0185.
馆藏号 E128EP00009