[机翻] 市场与电子文献研究的理论框架
  • 《Information systems frontiers》 2008年10卷5期

摘要 : In this paper, we presented a literature review of the current status of electronic marketplace (EM) research. It consists of 109 journal articles published in 19 journals that are appropriate outlets for electronic commerce resea... 展开

作者 Shan Wang   Shi Zheng   Lida Xu   Dezheng Li   Huan Meng  
期刊名称 《Information systems frontiers》
页码/总页数 p.555-571 / 17
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O23  
关键词 electronic marketplace   literature review   research theme   integrative framework  
馆藏号 O-098