[机翻] 相邻单元晶体管的直接场效应对nandflash单元阵列单元间干扰的影响
  • 《IEEE Electron Device Letters》 2009年30卷2期

摘要 : We introduce the concept of the direct field effect of a neighboring cell transistor on the cell-to-cell interference of nand Flash cell memory. As the cell size reduces to below 50 nm, the electric field of the adjacent cell tran... 展开

作者 Park~ M.   Kim~ K.   Park~ J.-H.   Choi~ J.-H.  
期刊名称 《IEEE Electron Device Letters》
页码/总页数 p.174-177 / 4
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TN10  
关键词 Cell-to-cell interference   NAND Flash memory   direct field effect  
馆藏号 IELEP0098