[机翻] 二进制输出CMOS辐射传感器
  • 《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》 1995年42卷3期

摘要 : A radiation sensor compatible with CMOS technology is presented. It provides a binary output which changes its state when the total radiation dose exceeds a prefixed threshold. This circuit is intended to be used as a built-in sen... 展开

作者 Moreno~ E.G.   Iniguez~ B.  
期刊名称 《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》
页码/总页数 P.174-178 / 5
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TL  
关键词 Threshold voltage   Switches   MOS devices   Inverters   Hazards   Electron traps   Interface states   MOSFET circuits   CMOS technology   Radiation effects  
DOI 10.1109/23.387358
馆藏号 IELEP0182