[机翻] 分娩前后女性就业动态的变化:来自德国、荷兰和英国的证据
  • 《Work, Employment and Society》 2006年20卷2期

摘要 : There is a strong effect of childbirth on female labour supply. This effect, however, is changing over time.This article uses panel data on the last two decades on three European countries (the Netherlands, Germany, the UK) to stu... 展开

作者 Jan Dirk Vlasblom   Joop Schippers  
期刊名称 《Work, Employment and Society》
页码/总页数 p.329-347 / 19
语种/中图分类号 英语 / C91  
关键词 family policies   female labour supply   institutions   transitions   work-life balance  
馆藏号 C-088