  • 《Natural Therapy Advances》 2024年3期

摘要 : Chinese veterinarians shine brightly in the long river of history.To examine the beginnings and growth of Chinese Medicine(CM)and Chinese Veterinary Medicine(CVM),the evolution of veterinary Chinese medicine and the common use of ... 展开

作者 Zhen-Yu Zhao   Jin-Hua Gu  
期刊名称 《Natural Therapy Advances》
页码/总页数 P.48-55 / 8
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / F42  
关键词 veterinary   Chinese medicine   development  
DOI 10.53388/NTA2024017
基金项目 supported by"14th Five Year Plan"National Key R&D Program Project(No:2022YFD1801105).