  • 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2024年3期

摘要 : In this paper,a new delayed fractional-order model including susceptible migratory birds,infected migratory birds and predators is proposed to discuss the spread of diseases among migratory birds.Fear of predators is considered in... 展开

作者 Caihong Song   Ning Li  
期刊名称 《International Journal of Biomathematics》
期刊英文名称 《生物数学学报(英文版)》
页码/总页数 P.1-33 / 33
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / O17  
关键词 Delayed   fractional-order   migratory birds   fear   Hopf bifurcation   periodic pulse feedback  
DOI 10.1142/S1793524523500225
基金项目 supported by Liaoning Provincial Department of Education Scientific Research Fund Project(lnjc202018).