  • 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2019年6期

摘要 : Severe disasters caused by extreme precipitation events have attracted more and more attention. The relationship between climate change and extreme precipitation has become the hottest scientific frontier issue. The study of daily... 展开

作者 Feng KONG[1~2~3]  
期刊名称 《Asian Agricultural Research》
页码/总页数 P.25-32 / 8
语种/中图分类号 汉语 / S  
关键词 Cumulative heavy rain   Human activities   Urbanization   Triggering factors   Spatial and temporal pattern   China  
DOI 10.19601/j.cnki.issn1943-9903.2019.6.006
基金项目 Supported by Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(41801064);China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2019T120114;2019M650756);Central Asian Atmospheric Science Research Fund(CAAS201804)