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    [科技报告]   David L. Richardson        共49页
    摘要 : The purpose of this investigation was to provide a more advanced radiant heat source capable of heating an area of 1 cm with up to 15 cal/cm –sec of radiant heat flux with a uniformity of + 1 percent. The source and the op¬tical... 展开

    [科技报告]   O. Boebel        共5页
    摘要 : Growing concerns, that aquatic noise produced during naval exercises and offshore seismic surveys may be harmful to marine mammals, have led an increasing number of regulating agencies to request mitigation measures when issuing p... 展开

    [科技报告]   Vanier, P. E.        共8页
    摘要 : A new thermal neutron imaging system has been constructed, based on a 20-cm x 17-cm He-3 position-sensitive detector with spatial resolution better than 1 mm. New compact custom-designed position-decoding electronics are employed,... 展开

    [科技报告]   Christofferson, J.   Vashaee, D.   Shakouri, A.   Melese, P.   Fan, X.        共6页
    摘要 : High resolution thermal images of operating micro refrigerators are presented. Using the thermo reflectance method and a high dynamic range PIN array camera, thermal images with 50mK thermal resolution and high spatial resolution ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Pruchnic, S. J.   Mayott, G. P.   Bell, P. A.        共11页
    摘要 : Measurement of the Optical Transfer Function (OTF) of discretely sampled thermalimaging systems, e.g. parallel scanned FLIR systems, on which analysis is done in the cross scan direction, and staring focal plane arrays, is increas... 展开

    [科技报告]   Wiecek, B.   Danych, R.   Zwolenik, Z.   Jung, A.   Zuber, J.        共4页
    摘要 : In this paper, new image processing tools are presented for conversion thermal and visual images, mainly for application in medicine and biology. A novel method for area and distance evaluation based on statistical differencing is... 展开

    [科技报告]   Heiss, J. C.        共106页
    摘要 : An analysis of infrared background scenes generated by the Naval PostgraduateSchool Infrared Search and Target Designation (NPS-IRSTD) System, and captured with a DT-2861 frame grabber board, was conducted using a FORTRAN program ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Crowther, D. J.   Favro, L. D.   Kuo, P. K.   Thomas, R. L.        共4页
    摘要 : An outstanding problem of thermal wave imaging has been the blurring of theimages, because of the lateral diffusion of heat in the sample. We demonstrate here, both theoretically and experimentally, that this blurring is not due t... 展开

    [科技报告]   Waxman, A. M.   Aguilar, M.   Baxter, R. A.   Fay, D. A.   Ireland, D. B.        共20页
    摘要 : The primary motivation for multi-sensor image fusion is to combine the complementary information derived from different modality sensors. Building on the work reported in two of our earlier papers from IRIS Passive Sensors 1996, w... 展开

    [科技报告]   Schutte, K.        共29页
    摘要 : Image fusion is the process where several independently recorded images arecombined into a single image. This report describes the fusion of thermal IR and visual imagery. For image fusion an optimality criterion is defined. If th... 展开
