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    [科技报告]   Caldas, I. L.   Heller, M. V. A.   Brasilio, Z. A.        共2页
    摘要 : Full text. In this work we summarize the results from experiments on electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations in tokamak plasmas. Spectral analyses show that these fluctuations are turbulent, having a broad spectrum of wavectors an... 展开

    [科技报告]   Dekluiver, H.        共18页
    摘要 : Anomalous resistivity and turbulent heating of plasmas are reviewed. Current-driven turbulence is classified. Pulsed turbulent heating results and energy confinement in tokamak experiments are discussed. Investigations of current-... 展开

    [科技报告]   Raeuchle, E.        共24页
    摘要 : Research concerning electron cyclotron heating; plasma theory (stochastic effects, numerical plasma simulation); laser diagnostics; and plasma focus is summarized.

    [科技报告]   Thorpe, M. L.        共23页
    摘要 : Production of superheated hydrogen plasma by induction heating of cold plasma and direct current plasma enhancement

    [科技报告]   Peters, TH.   Ragaller, K.        共40页
    摘要 : Production of high plasma jet velocities by heating and self-magnetic acceleration in electric arcs

    [科技报告]   Max, C. E.   McKee, C. F.        共16页
    摘要 : When the plasma outflow velocity relative to the critical surface is supersonic, compressional density profiles can form in the critical region. These compressions involve dissipative processes like those in collisionless shocks; ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Koskinen, H. E. J.        共92页
    摘要 : Experimental research on plasma pinches; turbulent plasma heating; plasma diagnostics; gas blanket and Tokamaks; and electron cyclotron resonance heating is described. Theoretical investigations of magnetohydrodynamics; wave dynam... 展开

    [科技报告]   Mosser, V.        共109页
    摘要 : Experimental investigations of plasma pinches; turbulent heating in the TORTUR Tokamak; plasma diagnostics; cold plasma blankets; and electron cyclotron resonance heating are described. Theoretical investigations of magnetohydrody... 展开

    [科技报告]   Thorpe, M. L.        共47页
    摘要 : Induction plasma heating system for hydrogen-argon simulated gas cooled reactor studies
