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    [科技报告]   Tucker, D. L.   Leibowitz, L. M.        共61页
    摘要 : This report presents the software simulation of the Remote-Control-Display (RCS) proposed to be used in the Centralized IFF (CIFF) system. A description of the simulation programs along with simulated menu formats are presented. A... 展开

    [科技报告]   Davis, D. W.        共22页
    摘要 : This Part II of a two-part specification establishes the requirements for manufacture and acceptance of the IFF Transponder prime item, Receiver/Transmitter, Radio RT-1063B/APX-101(V).

    [科技报告]   Hepner, J. J.        共90页
    摘要 : The purpose of this study was to determine if the NATO Identification System (NIS) Codevelopment Program would increase NATO Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability (RSI). The study had three basic objectives: First... 展开

    [科技报告]   Papageorgiou, C. P.   Carley, K.        共29页
    摘要 : Organizational performance is an issue that pervades many aspects of our society.The value of this subject becomes evident upon realizing that most societal interactions can be regarded as interactions between different organizati... 展开

    [科技报告]   Moss, L. W.        共86页
    摘要 : This thesis presents an analysis of the application of the Modular Command and Control Evaluation Structure (MCES) to the Identification Friend, Foe, or Neutral (IFFN) Joint Testbed. The MCES and IFFN Testbed evaluation approaches... 展开

    [科技报告]   Theisen, B.   Ramsey, J.   Zhou, X.   Samarasekera, S.   Kira, Z.        共39页
    摘要 : Integrate, test and demonstrate a fully integrated hardware and software solution running on two robot systems and three additional blue force entities. - Reliably detect blue and red force entities within a 60m radius, 180 deg ar... 展开

    [科技报告]   Kailath, T.   Ljung, L.   Morf, M.        共18页
    摘要 : This paper describes how the Identification Friend, Foe, or Neutral (IFFN) Evaluation Testbed Systems will be used to investigate aircraft identification problems in combat air defense. The system will fulfill the urgent needs of ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Yeo, J. W.        共89页
    摘要 : Target recognition and identification in battlefields has been a crucial determinant to the ultimate success or failure of modern military campaigns. Since World War II, the Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) systems installed ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Knox, F. S.   Sauermilch, P. W.   Wachtel, T. L.   McCahan, G. R.   Trevethan, W. P.        共553页
    摘要 : This interim report describes the work performed from 27 March to 30 September 1978 on Phase I of Contract F33615-78-C-1517, Multifunction-Multiband Airborne Radio System (MFBARS) Study. The objective of Phase I of the study is to... 展开
