[科技报告]AD  Knox, F. S., Sauermilch, P. W., Wachtel, T. L., McCahan, G. R., Trevethan, W. P.553

摘要: This interim report describes the work performed from 27 March to 30 September 1978 on Phase I of Contract F33615-78-C-1517, Multifunction-Multiband Airborne Radio System (MFBARS) Study. The objective of Phase I of the study is to... 展开

作者 Knox, F. S.   Sauermilch, P. W.   Wachtel, T. L.   McCahan, G. R.   Trevethan, W. P.  
原报告号 AD-A082956 总页数 553
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Radio equipment   Integrated systems   Aircraft antennas   Radio navigation   IFF systems   Amplitude modulation   Frequency modulation   Airborne  