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    [科技报告]   Bleacher, J. E.   Hurtado, J. M.   Young, K. E.   Rice, J.   Garry, W. B.   Eppler, D.        共2页
    摘要 : Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS) is a multi-year series of tests of NASA hardware and operations deployed in the high desert of Arizona. Conducted annually since 1997, these activities exercise planetary surfac... 展开

    [科技报告]   Bleacher, J. E.   Hurtado, J. M.   Young, K. E.   Rice, J. W.   Garry, W. B.        共40页
    摘要 : The 2010 Desert RATS field test utilized two Space Exploration Vehicles (prototype planetary rovers) and four crewmembers (2 per rover) to conduct a geologic traverse across northern Arizona while testing continuous and twice-per-... 展开

    摘要 : Observation is the primary role of all field geologists, and geologic observations put into an evolving conceptual context will be the most important data stream that will be relayed to Earth during a planetary exploration mission... 展开
