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    摘要 : Pilot plant systems are generally designed to reflect conditions of a particular full-scale system for the purpose of studying the impact of drinking water treatment changes, effectiveness for the removal of contaminants and the a... 展开

    [科技报告]   Brinkman, K.   Fox, K.   Marra, J.        共22页
    摘要 : The research conducted in this work package is aimed at taking advantage of the long term thermodynamic stability of crystalline ceramics to create more durable waste forms (as compared to high level waste glass) in order to reduc... 展开

    [科技报告]   Brinkman, K.   Fox, K.   Marra, J.   Reppert, J.   Crum, J.   Tang, M.        共33页
    摘要 : Crystalline and glass composite materials are currently being investigated for the immobilization of combined High Level Waste (HLW) streams resulting from potential commercial fuel reprocessing scenarios. Several of these potenti... 展开

    [科技报告]   Keyes, J.   Fox, K.   Weidmen, J.        共7页
    摘要 : State utility commissions and utilities themselves are actively developing and revising their procedures for the interconnection and net metering of distributed generation. However, the procedures most often used by regulators and... 展开

    [科技报告]   Newman, L.   Fox, K.        共211页
    摘要 : Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is a multidisciplinary laboratory that carries out basic and applied research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, and in selected energy technologies. It is managed by Broo... 展开

    [科技报告]   White, W. B.   Fox, K.   Herman, J. S.   Houser, C.   Nelson, C.        共150页
    摘要 : This research is concerned with the structure and properties of insulator glasses, particularly as these are modified by transition metal ions in solution. This progress report spans a one-year period and describes the status of t... 展开

    [科技报告]   Fletcher, W. H.   Fox, K.        共13页
    摘要 : No Abstract Available
