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    [机翻] 二进制输出CMOS辐射传感器
    [期刊]   Moreno, E.G.   Iniguez, B.   《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》    1995年42卷3期      共5页
    摘要 : A radiation sensor compatible with CMOS technology is presented. It provides a binary output which changes its state when the total radiation dose exceeds a prefixed threshold. This circuit is intended to be used as a built-in sen... 展开

    [机翻] AlGaAs/GaAs太阳电池辐射损伤评估
    [期刊]   Moreno, E.G.   Alcubilla, R.   《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》    1988年35卷4期      共5页
    摘要 : A computer model to evaluate radiation damage on AlGaAs-based solar cells is reported. The model is based on a piecewise approach that divides the cell structure in an adaptive number of slices. Inside a particular slice the semic... 展开
