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    摘要 : Abstract Organizational scholars have treated emotions mostly as an individual‐level phenomenon, with limited theorisation of emotions as an important component in social embeddedness. In this review essay, we argue for the need ... 展开

    [机翻] 全球制度框架下的一致性与独特性:安大略省优质葡萄酒的合法性
    [期刊]   Maxim Voronov   Dirk De Clercq   G. R. Hinings   《Journal of management studies》    2013年50卷4期      共39页
    摘要 : The study investigates how local actors pursue two paradoxical aspects of legitimacy in a global institutional framework: the need for global conformity and the need for local distinctiveness. Drawing on the notion of glocalizatio... 展开

    [机翻] 战略组织学习的实践视角
    [期刊]   Maxim Voronov   《The learning organization》    2008年15卷2/3期      共27页
    摘要 : Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to add to the emerging literatures on organizational learning and strategic management by developing a practice perspective on strategic organizational learning (SOL). While the literature on... 展开

    [机翻] 把情感整合到机构工作分析中去
    [期刊]   MAXIM VORONOV   RUSS VINCE   《The Academy of Management Review》    2012年37卷1期      共24页
    摘要 : We argue for the importance of including analyses of emotional and unconscious processes in the study of institutional work. We develop a framework that integrates emotions and their connection to domination, and we offer a typolo... 展开

    [期刊]   TRISH RUEBOTTOM   SEAN BUCHANAN   MAXIM VORONOV   MADELINE TOUBIANA   《The Academy of Management Review》    2022年47卷3期      共23页
    摘要 : Voyeurism violates dominant moral codes in many societies. Yet, for a number of businesses, including erotic webcam, reality television, slum tourism, and mixed martial arts, voyeurism is an important part of value creation. The s... 展开

    [机翻] 文化资本和符号资本在企业家满足整合和创新期望的能力中的作用
    [期刊]   Dirk De Clercq   Maxim Voronov   《Journal of Small Business Management》    2009年47卷3期      共23页
    摘要 : We conceptualize entrepreneurs' success in acquiring resources as the outcome of a socially embedded process of pursuing legitimacy, which in turn encompasses their ability to meet field incumbents' expectations about conformity a... 展开

    [机翻] 从边缘化到语言科学:走向批判管理研究的新角色
    [期刊]   Maxim Voronov   《Journal of organizational change management》    2009年22卷5期      共18页
    摘要 : Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore how critical management studies' (CMS) awkward relationship with the world of practice may have allowed it to become a dominated field in academia, which features a nearly exclus... 展开

    [机翻] 重视权力在战略组织学习中的作用
    [期刊]   Maxim Voronov   Lyle Yorks   《The learning organization》    2005年12卷1期      共17页
    摘要 : Purpose - This paper argues that failing to grasp thoroughly the influence of power on the strategy-making process can severely inhibit the potential of strategy making as a vehicle of organizational learning. Design/methodology/a... 展开

    [期刊]   Maxim Voronov   Klaus Weber   《Journal of management studies》    2020年57卷4期      共12页
    摘要 : Abstract In much contemporary institutional scholarship, the term ‘actor’ is used as a shorthand for any entity imbued with agency. Talking about actors in institutions thus serves the necessity of allocating agency before retur... 展开

    摘要 : Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES) has evolved in the last couple of decades from direct bulk solid analysis to a high resolution depth-profiling technique. However, the achievable lateral resolution has been his... 展开
