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    摘要 : In multilevel multiple-indicator multiple-cause (MIMIC) models, covariates can interact at the within level, at the between level, or across levels. This study examines the performance of multilevel MIMIC models in estimating and ... 展开
    关键词 : multilevel   MIMIC   covariates interaction  

    [期刊]   Ferron, John   Cao, Chunhua   Kim, Eun Sook   Chen, Yi-Hsin   《Educational and Psychological Measurement》    2021年81卷5期      共30页
    摘要 : This study examined the impact of omitting covariates interaction effect on parameter estimates in multilevel multiple-indicator multiple-cause models as well as the sensitivity of fit indices to model misspecification when the be... 展开

    [期刊]   Kiefer, Sarah M.   Kim, Eun Sook   Wang, Yan   《Educational and Psychological Measurement》    2018年78卷6期      共25页
    摘要 : Studies comparing groups that are at different levels of multilevel data (namely, cross-level groups) using the same measure are not unusual such as student and teacher agreement in education or congruence between patient and phys... 展开

    摘要 : Various tests to check the homogeneity of variance assumption have been proposed in the literature, yet there is no consensus as to their robustness when the assumption of normality does not hold. This simulation study evaluated t... 展开

    [机翻] 多组测量不变性检验:五种方法的比较
    [期刊]   Kim, Eun Sook   Cao, Chunhua   Wang, Yan   Nguyen, Diep T.   《Structural equation modeling》    2017年24卷3/4期      共21页
    摘要 : With the increasing use of international survey data especially in cross-cultural and multinational studies, establishing measurement invariance (MI) across a large number of groups in a study is essential. Testing MI over many gr... 展开

    [期刊]   Kim, Eun Sook   Cao, Chunhua   《Multivariate behavioral research》    2015年50卷4期      共21页
    摘要 : Considering that group comparisons are common in social science, we examined two latent group mean testing methods when groups of interest were either at the between or within level of multilevel data: multiple-group multilevel co... 展开

    摘要 : Wording effects associated with positively and negatively worded items have been found in many scales. Such effects may threaten construct validity and introduce systematic bias in the interpretation of results. A variety of model... 展开

    [机翻] 基于多因素混合模型的跨层潜在类测量不变性检验
    [期刊]   Kim, Eun Sook   Joo, Seang-Hwane   Lee, Philseok   Wang, Yan   Stark, Stephen   《Structural equation modeling》    2016年23卷5/6期      共18页
    摘要 : This simulation study examines the efficacy of multilevel factor mixture modeling (ML FMM) for measurement invariance testing across unobserved groups when the groups are at the between level of multilevel data. To this end, laten... 展开

    [期刊]   Kim, Eun Sook   Dedrick, Robert F.   Cao, Chunhua   Ferron, John M.   《Multivariate behavioral research》    2016年51卷6期      共18页
    摘要 : We provide reporting guidelines for multilevel factor analysis (MFA) and use these guidelines to systematically review 72 MFA applications in journals across a range of disciplines (e.g., education, health/nursing, management, and... 展开

    [机翻] 用三步多因素混合模型研究异质性的来源:超越跨国研究中测量不变性的检验
    [期刊]   Kim, Eun Sook   Wang, Yan   《Structural equation modeling》    2019年26卷1/2期      共17页
    摘要 : We propose the three-step multilevel factor mixture modeling (ML FMM) to test measurement invariance (MI) across many groups and furthermore to model predictors of latent class membership that possibly induce measurement noninvari... 展开
