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    [机翻] 短沟道双栅和全栅mosfet的精确建模框架
    [期刊]   Borli, H.   Kolberg, S.   Fjeldly, T.A.   Iniguez, B.   《IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices》    2008年55卷10期      共9页
    摘要 : A precise modeling framework for short-channel nanoscale double-gate (DG) and gate-all-around (GAA) MOSFETs is presented. For the DG MOSFET, the modeling is based on a conformal mapping analysis of the potential distribution in th... 展开

    [机翻] 二进制输出CMOS辐射传感器
    [期刊]   Moreno, E.G.   Iniguez, B.   《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》    1995年42卷3期      共5页
    摘要 : A radiation sensor compatible with CMOS technology is presented. It provides a binary output which changes its state when the total radiation dose exceeds a prefixed threshold. This circuit is intended to be used as a built-in sen... 展开
