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    [期刊]   McGahey D.   Davies J.   Barrow E.   《Annals of Arid Zone》    2007年46卷3/4期      共25页
    摘要 : Extensive land-use by pastoralists and their livestock in arid lands can enhance biodiversity and support the long-term conservation of important wildlife habitats. Pastoralists are sophisticated and dynamic managers of their natu... 展开

    [机翻] 英国退休计划的财务成熟度、显著性和审议规模
    [期刊]   Gordon L Clark   Janelle Knox-Hayes   Kendra Strauss   《Environment and planning》    2009年41卷10期      共20页
    摘要 : Whether people appreciate the importance of saving for the future, and whether they intend to do so, are not well understood. On the basis of a representative sample of UK residents, we show that the perceived importance of pensio... 展开

    [期刊]   Rachel James   Richard Washington   《Climatic Change》    2013年117卷4期      共14页
    摘要 : For almost two decades, politicians have been negotiating temperature limits to which anthropogenic global warming should be restricted, and 2 °C has emerged as benchmark for danger. However, there has been a lack of scientific r... 展开

    [期刊]   Lalley J S   Viles H A   《Functional Ecology》    2006年20卷3期      共9页
    摘要 : The re-establishment of soil-crust lichens following disturbances may be enhanced or discouraged by human-altered microtopographies. This research asks whether such microtopographic changes alter microclimates significantly, and w... 展开

    [机翻] 不稳定的工作和经济移民:大伦敦服务业新出现的移民分工
    摘要 : The aim of this article is to assess the connections between the continued expansion of forms of insecure work and the impact of rising numbers of economic migrants employed in UK labour markets. It shows how competition between f... 展开

    摘要 : Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of dune deposits has increasingly been used as a tool to investigate the response of aeolian systems to environmental change. Amalgamation of individual dune accumulation chronologies... 展开

    摘要 : One of the fundamental questions in the reconstruction of Quaternary dryland environmental conditions is: what do dune OSL ages mean in terms of palaeoenvironmental change? This paper investigates the relationship between dune chr... 展开

    [机翻] 二酮哌嗪法不对称合成取代1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸
    摘要 : Diketopiperazinespirocyclopropane 12 is prepared in > 98% d. e. via the conjugate addition of a phosphorus ylide to (6S)-N,N'-bis (p-methoxybenzyl)-3-methylenepiperazine-2,5-dione 2. Deprotection and hydrolysis of adduct 12 and su... 展开

    [期刊]   Viles, H. A.   Cutler, N. A.   《Global change biology》    2012年18卷8期      共13页
    摘要 : Whilst global environmental change in the 21st century will undoubtedly have direct impacts on built heritage, it will also have important indirect effects through its influence on microbial, plant and animal life on heritage site... 展开

    [机翻] 反-(2S,3S)-和顺-(2R,3S)-二氨基丁酸的不对称合成
    摘要 : Conjugate addition of homochiral lithium N-benzyl-N-α-methylbenzylamide to tert-butyl(E)-cinnamate or tert-butyl (E)-crotonate and in situ amination with trisyl azide results in the exclusive formation of the corresponding 2-diaz... 展开
