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    [机翻] 关于利用实地实验解决政策问题的告诫
    [期刊]   Harrison, Glenn W.   《Oxford Review of Economic Policy》    2014年30卷4期      共11页
    摘要 : Field experiments are popular again in policy circles. There are various types of field experiments, with complementary strengths and weaknesses for different policy questions. There is also a lot of needless hype about what field... 展开

    [期刊]   Lars Behlen   Oliver Himmler   Robert Jäckle   《Experimental Economics》    2023年26卷5期      共38页
    摘要 : Abstract Nothing is known about the effectiveness of defaults when moving the target outcomes requires substantial effort. We conduct two field experiments to investigate how defaults fare in such situations: we change the univers... 展开

    [机翻] 让决策者听取实地试验
    [期刊]   Dolan, Paul   Galizzi, Matteo M.   《Oxford Review of Economic Policy》    2014年30卷4期      共28页
    摘要 : We start with the premise that the greater use of field experiments in policy would lead to the more efficient use of scarce resources. This paper asks why field experiments are not used as widely as they could be and considers wh... 展开

    [机翻] 社会比较、地位和驾驶行为
    [期刊]   Chen, Yan   Lu, Fangwen   Zhang, Jinan   《Journal of public economics》    2017年155卷Nov.期      共10页
    摘要 : The establishment of desirable social norms is an integral part of a well-functioning civil society. While recent evidence has demonstrated that social comparison can affect behavior in a variety of contexts, it is not clear what ... 展开

    [机翻] 网络实验室中的社会偏好:一项随机实验
    [期刊]   Hergueux, Jerome   Jacquemet, Nicolas   《Experimental Economics》    2015年18卷2期      共33页
    摘要 : Internet is a very attractive technology for the implementation of experiments, both in order to obtain larger and more diverse samples and as a field of economic research in its own right. This paper reports on an experiment perf... 展开

    摘要 : We investigate the potential for targeted treatment assignment rules to improve the performance of a large-scale behavioral intervention to encourage households to conserve energy. We derive treatment rules based on observable hou... 展开

    [期刊]   Leeffers, Stefan   Vicente, Pedro C.   《World Development》    2019年114卷      共17页
    摘要 : Electoral fraud is a common problem in young democracies. Election observers constitute one possible remedy. Yet, quantitative evidence of the causal effects of different types of observers is scarce. Data on the random assignment... 展开

    [期刊]   Glenn W. Harrison   《Journal of Economic Methodology》    2013年20卷2期      共15页
    摘要 : The popularity of field experiments that utilize some form of random evaluation seems to be correlated with increased methodological intolerance. Since correlation is not causation, it may be useful to examine what this intoleranc... 展开

    [机翻] 社会规范与节能
    [期刊]   MIT, United States   《Journal of public economics》    2011年95卷9/10期      共14页
    摘要 : This paper evaluates a series of programs run by a company called OPOWER to send Home Energy Report letters to residential utility customers comparing their electricity use to that of their neighbors. Using data from randomized na... 展开

    [期刊]   Sun, Tianshu   Viswanathan, Siva   Huang, Ni   Zheleva, Elena   《MIS quarterly》    2021年45卷2期      共32页
    摘要 : Despite the increasing connectivity between consumers and the large volume of social shares supported by digital technologies, there is an absence of research systematically investigating how firms can design promotional incentive... 展开
