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    [期刊]   Fang Chang   Yanan Huo   Songyan Zhang   Hang Zeng   Bin Tang   《BMC Public Health》    2023年23卷1期      共17页
    摘要 : Since China adopted a policy to eliminate rural learning centers, boarding has become an important feature of the current rural student community. However, there is a lack of consensus on the impact of boarding schools on students... 展开

    [机翻] 认知能力与非认知能力对劳动报酬的影响:来自中国雇主-雇员调查的经验证据
    [期刊]   Fan Yu   Chu Wang   Jun Shen   Yuxuan Shi   Tang Li   《China Economic Journal》    2017年10卷1期      共16页
    摘要 : The existing literature suggests that worker's cognitive and non-cognitive abilities have a significant impact on wages. However, presently there is little research in this area of China's labor force, due to scanty data. To this ... 展开

    [期刊]   Fairley, Kim   Sanfey, Alan G.   《Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization》    2020年179卷Nov.期      共13页
    摘要 : Given adolescents' propensity to engage in risky activities, experimentally elicited risk preferences have received much attention in this demographic group. In order to address the likelihood of engaging in potentially harmful ac... 展开

    摘要 : The first aim of this study was to explore the aetiology of phenotypic relationships between different measures of executive functions. The second objective was to examine sources of the covariation between different measures of e... 展开

    [期刊]   Anne E. Kato   Charles A. Scherbaum   《Journal of Intelligence》    2023年11卷3期      共21页
    摘要 : Most of the work examining the relationship between intelligence and job performance has conceptualized intelligence as g. Recent findings, however, have supported the claim that more specific factors of intelligence contribute to... 展开

    [期刊]   Kramarz, Francis   Rosenqvist, Olof   Skans, Oskar Nordstrom   《Journal of population economics》    2023年36卷1期      共28页
    摘要 : Many previous studies have shown that skilled and educated women have fewer children. By comparing twins and close siblings in Swedish register data, we show that the negative association between human capital and fertility mostly... 展开

    摘要 : Cognitive reserve is a potential explanation for the disparity between brain pathology and its clinical manifestations. The main objective of this study was to estimate, based on published studies, the strength of the association ... 展开
    关键词 : HIV   cognitive reserve   cognitive ability  

    [期刊]   Gray, Ryan   Gow, Alan J.   《Aging, neuropsychology and cognition》    2020年27卷3/4期      共19页
    摘要 : Research has suggested that individuals who play a musical instrument throughout adulthood have better preserved executive function. However, mixed results have been found for associations between musical activity and visuo-spatia... 展开

    [机翻] 儿童非ICDS-3岁认知发展比较研究
    [期刊]   Samridhi Arora   Shaveta Bharti   Sarita Sharma   《Journal of Human Ecology》    2007年22卷3期      共4页
    摘要 : The present research has been conducted with the objectives of comparing the cognitive development of ICDS and non-ICDS children (3-6 years), to find out the mean age at which the cognitive abilities viz. verbal, identification, r... 展开

    [期刊]     《Advanced Science Letters》    2018年24卷7期      共5页
    摘要 : The objective of this study is to determine the level of mathematics abilities among mild autism children in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of ten autistic children aged 5 to 7 years old were selected as respondents. Purposive sa... 展开
