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    [期刊]   Emmanuel A. Babington   《Radiography /》    2023年29卷1期      共7页
    摘要 : Objectives: This narrative review aims to collate the data in the existing literature on appendicoliths, by reviewing the available information on appendicoliths that have been previously reported in 24 publications, and providing... 展开

    [期刊]   Masaaki Urade   Toshihumi Shinbo   《International surgery》    2012年97卷4期      共3页
    摘要 : Because barium sulfate (BaSO 4 ) is not harmful to the mucosa, it is widely used for gastrointestinal imaging. Barium appendicitis is a very rare complication of barium meals and barium enema. We report a case of acute appendiciti... 展开
    关键词 : Appendicitis   Barium   Appendicolith    

    [期刊]   Urade,M.   Shinbo,T.   《International surgery.》    2012年97卷4期      共3页
    摘要 : Because barium sulfate (BaSO4) is not harmful to the mucosa, it is widely used for gastrointestinal imaging. Barium appendicitis is a very rare complication of barium meals and barium enema. We report a case of acute appendicitis ... 展开
    关键词 : Appendicitis   Appendicolith   Barium  

    [期刊]   Hernigou, J.   Condat, B.   Giaoui, A.   Charlier, A.   《Journal of visceral surgery》    2014年151卷Pt.4期      共3页
    摘要 : The presence of an appendiceal fecalith should not be considered as a categorical sign of acute appendicitis. The fecalith may, however, be responsible for abdominal pain - right lower quadrant tenderness without associated append... 展开

    摘要 : Purpose Acute appendicitis may present as uncomplicated and complicated and these disease forms differ both epidemiologically and clinically. Complicated acute appendicitis has traditionally been defined as an appendicitis complic... 展开

    摘要 : OBJECTIVE. With heightened interest in nonoperative antibiotic management of uncomplicated appendicitis, appendicoliths become a more relevant issue, and because of higher failure rates their presence may be considered a contraind... 展开
    关键词 : abdominal pain   appendicitis   appendicolith   CT  

    摘要 : Appendicitis is the most common reason for which pediatric patients require emergent surgery. Although surgical removal of the appendix is the standard of care for appendicitis, neutropenic patients require special consideration a... 展开

    [期刊]   Keegan K. Hovis   R. Brooke Jeffrey   《Journal of diagnostic medical sonography: JDMS》    2017年33卷1期      共4页
    摘要 : Appendicitis is a common pathology most often caused by an appendicolith. Laparoscopic appendectomy has become the standard operative approach, but it has a higher risk of retained appendicoliths than open laparotomies. This repor... 展开
    关键词 : appendicolith   fecaiith   perihepatic   hepatic   abscess  

    [期刊]     《Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England》    2011年93卷6期      共2页
    摘要 : Appendicoliths are formed by calcium salts and faecal debris layered and lodged within the appendix. They are detected on unenhanced x-rays in less than 10% of patients with appendicitis. When an appendicolith is found extralumina... 展开

    摘要 : Abstract Background An appendicolith-related appendiceal obstruction leading to appendicitis is a commonly encountered surgical emergency that has clear evidence-based management plans. However, there is no consensus on management... 展开
