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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Colorectal surgery for functional bowel disorders F. Bretagnol, E. Hain, D. Moszkowicz...
2 Iatrogenic constipation in gastrointestinal surgery L. Diebakate-Scordamaglia, C.S. Voican, G. Perlemuter
3 Gastric motility disorders and their endoscopic and surgical treatments other than bariatric surgery H. Soliman, G. Mariano, H. Duboc...
4 Endoscopic management of spontaneous esophageal and postoperative motility disorders M. Barthet, V. Vitton, J.-M. Gonzalez
5 Disorders of anorectal motility: Functional defecation disorders and fecal incontinence C. Desprez, V. Bridoux, A.-M. Leroi
6 Digestive motility disorders B. Coffin
7 Small intestine motility disorders: Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction L. Billiauws, M. Cohen, D. Cazals-Hatem...
8 Alterations of digestive motility after bariatric surgery L. Montana, P.-A. Colas, A. Valverde...
9 Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction V. Vitton, M. Barthet, G. Boivineau...