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      摘要 : Three esters of rhodamine B (1-3) differing in their alkyl chain lengths as well as several rhodamine B amides (4-9) were synthesized in good yields and tested for their cytotoxicity in SRB assays employing several human tumor cel... 展开

      摘要 : Color developments based on the ion-association complexes of molybdothoric acid with three basic dyes (BD), rhodamine B(RB), butylrhodamine B(BRB) and nile blue (NB), were investigated in aqueous acidic solution in the presence of... 展开

      摘要 : The development of nanostructures based on interaction of organic matrix and metal oxide particles (such as polypyrrole/zinc oxide composites) introduces interesting advantages due to synergistic/complementary photocatalytic activ... 展开

      [期刊]   Salwa M. Al-Rashed   Amani A. Al-Gaid   《Journal of Saudi Chemical Society》    2012年16卷2期      共7页
      摘要 : The adsorption behavior of Rhodamine B dye from aqueous solutions was investigated onto the cation-exchange resin, Duolite C-20 (hydrogen form). The effects of various experimental factors;sorbent amount, contact time, dye concent... 展开

      摘要 : In this paper,the change of absorbance and their first and second derivatives for the Xanthene dyes as concentration dependence are reported.The effect of change of smoothing on the LOD and other analytical characteristics are inv... 展开

      摘要 : Understanding of the TiO2-assisted phototransformations observed for fundamentally important derivatives of Rhodamine B is expected to bring consistent and eventually comprehensive knowledge on behavior of this dye. The photocatal... 展开

      摘要 : Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of microneedle (MN) pretreatment on the transdermal delivery of a model drug (Rhodamine B, Rh B) encapsulated in polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) ... 展开
      关键词 : microneedles   nanoparticles   Rhodamine B  

      [期刊]   K. ASHWINI   B. NARAYANA   D. N. SHETTY   《Oxidation Communications》    2011年34卷1期      共6页
      摘要 : A simple, sensitive spectrophotometric method in visible region has been developed for the determination of carvedilol (CAR) in bulk and in pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on the reaction of CAR with measured exce... 展开

      摘要 : This paper describes the development of ZnO nanoparticles by a chemical method, to test them in the photocatalysis of the degradation of textile dyes, using Rhodamine B (RhB) as a probe reaction. The samples were submitted to diff... 展开
      关键词 : Photocatalysis   ZnO   Rhodamine B  

      [期刊]   Palva Capkova   Petr Maly   Miroslav Pospisil   Zdenek Hlika   《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》    2004年277卷1期      共1249页
      摘要 : The surface and interlayer structure of rhodamine B (RhB)-montmorillonite for various guest concentrations has been studied using a combination of X-ray powder diffraction and molecular modeling (molecular mechanics and molecular ... 展开
